09 Sustainabl

Sustainable Landscaping – Overview

Landscaping is important to any residential or commercial property, especially so when it is a sustainable landscape.  A well planned and designed garden is more appealing and useful than a randomly created one.  Today with growing concerns and realisation about the threats to the planet, sustainable landscaping is becoming important.

There are several areas around landscaping which require a different approach for sustainability.

Fortunately, it is more a change in thought and approach than basic principles so sustainable landscaping is easy to adopt. Besides, by taking care of your environment, you are assured of long term benefits from your lawn as well.

The sheer number of vehicles are increasing and this pollutants the atmosphere. You can grow plants that are resistant to some of the pollutants and improve the surrounding air quality.

Air pollution typically leads to ozone layer depletion and sulphur dioxide concentration. Plants should be used to reduce the impact of air pollution, and consequently enhance sustainable landscaping.

Water pollution is directly related to lawn and maintenance, it requires care to ensure its survival. Usually this care is related to the use of fertilisers and pesticides.  Synthetic products work but leave behind residues that drains into water bodies nearby. These synthetic chemicals adversely affect the water quality. There are many effective natural products that are less damaging, which can be used.

Water shortage is a problem, so adapt using sustainable techniques like rainwater harvesting and reducing storm water runoff. Using porous paving materials to hold water rather than let it run off this achieves sustainable landscaping.

Using trees you can create windbreaks to regular the air flow in the area. Also look at renewable sources of energy to power the lighting. Solar powered cells are most popular they are effective with little maintenance.

As you can see, sustainable landscaping is not difficult at all. It is just adapting to a new thought process. Reusing discarded waste and other products and proper planning.

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