32 Planting Shrubs

Planting shrubs

Planting shrubs are an asset to any landscaped garden. They add the extra touch giving the  garden that final look and brings beauty, shade and fragrance to your landscape.

Shrubs are a great way of creating enclosed corners in your landscape, and taller shrubs make good screens for the perimeter of your property.

Different shrubs flower during different seasons, so planting shrubs would be a good idea t a few for each season so that you can have flowers all year round.

Flowering shrubs need to be trimmed within a month after they finish flowering, or else there is a risk that you may trimming away the next bloom of flowers, however, dead branches can be trimmed away at any given time.

A tip to check if the branch is alive is to scrape it with a knife. If the layer beneath is brown or green it is healthy. If it is black or brown then it is dead and needs to be removed.

Remember to always wear gloves when trimming and planting shrubs as some tend to be thorny. If you are unsure of how or when to trim your shrubs it would be best to contact a landscaper for advice before continuing.

Even though shrubs may require trimming and taking care of, many a gardener has found them worth the effort as shrubs have a way of completing a garden and giving it a well designed air to it.

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